January 2025 By-election



On January 15th, 2025, elections will be held for the following positions:

• Chief Shop Steward (2023-2025) for a 10-month term, until the position is up for election in November 2025.

• Trustee #2 for a two (2) year term (2024-2026).

• One (1) Shop Steward from Schedule "C" for a two (2) year term (2024-2026). If there are no members from Schedule "C" nominated, the floor will be open for nominations of members from Schedule "A" and "B" to cover Schedule "C".

Please note: Jason Roufosse (Trustee #1) and Amanda Tesluck (Trustee #3) are on the Elections Committee. The Committee shall have full responsibility for voting arrangements and the counting of ballots and shall treat information submitted to them as confidential.

If you are interested in letting your name stand for a position, please email Jason Roufosse at j.roufosse@icloud.com or Amanda Tesluck at mena_07@hotmail.com.

Nominations will be accepted in writing before the elections or verbally at the meeting on January 15th.

Nominations will not be accepted unless the member attends the meeting or has provided their intention to run in the election, in writing.