CUPE Local 1267 Supports "City Watch"
In November 2013, CUPE Local 1267 members approved supporting CUPE BC's "City Watch" Program in the District of Mission. "City Watch" is a community safety program initiated by CUPE members who are trained to watch for and effectively report unusual or suspicious activitiy they see while they are out working in the community.
The District of Mission's Crime Prevention Coordinator and CUPE Local 1267 member, Vic Barron, initiated the implementation of the "City Watch" program. Vic made a very good presentation to the Mayor, Council and senior staff at the District and garnered their full support. Vic is currently coordinating the training schedule for CUPE members and he is hoping staff will be fully trained by mid-March 2014.
For additional information regarding CUPE BC's "City Watch" program or contact Vic Barron at